Saturday, July 02, 2011

Is There Hope for Liberty in Our Lifetime? by Jacob H. Huebert

Is There Hope for Liberty in Our Lifetime? by Jacob H. Huebert:

"There are two big factors that have contributed to this, and each has built on the other: one is the Internet, and the other is Ron Paul.

When Ron Paul ran for president in 2008, the mainstream media almost entirely ignored him, but a hard core of supporters got his name out on the Internet, and people learned about him that way.

Eventually his growing group of supporters raised enough money for him on the Internet to bring him to the mainstream media's attention, and now it seems like we see Ron Paul on national television almost every day. So people started listening to Ron Paul, and Ron Paul sent them back to the Internet to learn more about the ideas he was espousing related to Austrian economics and liberty.

Specifically, he directed people to the Mises Institute, which had been promoting these ideas consistently – particularly those related to war and the Federal Reserve – in a way that no other institution has, and which was ready with a massive library of educational material online."

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