Monday, July 04, 2011

Independence Day Hypocrisy | Veterans Today

Independence Day Hypocrisy | Veterans Today: "All US federal holidays wreak of hypocrisy, representing notions and events other than what they commemorate. Besides Christmas, none perhaps is more celebrated than when America became independent from Britain on July 4, 1776.

Coming in the summer, parades, outings, barbecues, other celebratory events, and baseball highlight the day for many – relaxing, not reflecting on the same independence we deny nations globally, waging imperial wars and other ways to prevent it.

July 4 also commemorates America’s history, liberation and traditions most people don’t know, never learned, or forgot. Instead – in school to the highest levels and through media managed news – they’ve been force fed distortions, half truths and illusions to believe what, in fact, isn’t true now and never was, a sanitized rewritten history, what historian Howard Zinn corrected in his “People’s History of the United States.”"

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