Monday, July 18, 2011

If You Support Mitch McConnell, We Don’t Support You (A list of the failures of The NO SPINE RINO)

If You Support Mitch McConnell, We Don’t Support You (A list of the failures of The NO SPINE RINO): "I am instituting a new policy here at RedState. In the future, as we support candidates for the U.S. Senate in Republican Primaries, we will not support any candidate who goes on the record supporting Mitch McConnell as Senate Republican Leader.

That does not preclude them from voting for McConnell once they get there if there are no better options. But when looking to endorse candidates, those who express a willingness to support someone else first will certainly be given more attention.


Well, it is not just that Mitch McConnell is yet again screwing both the Republican Party and the country. He has a history of playing things to his advantage, even when it means hurting the country and his own political party.

If Mitch McConnell will not turn from his history of failed leadership, we must encourage those running for the Senate to turn from McConnell.

Let’s review the tape, shall we?From my 2009 post on McConnell, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America pointed these things out:

Senator Mitch McConnell has lost almost every major legislative battle he has managed.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

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