Monday, July 18, 2011

D.C. Attempting to Implement Internet Tax

D.C. Attempting to Implement Internet Tax: "...The District of Columbia’s Main Street Tax Fairness Act is anything but fair. By forcing out-of-state companies to collect and remit taxes in a locale in which they have no physical presence, this is a purely unconstitutional act.

There are some rather vague provisions in this bill as well. One part calls for a small-seller exemption. Who exactly this exempts is unclear and unspecified. Another portion calls for a “reasonable compensation” for out-of-state retailers for the collection and remittance of the new taxes on their business. Once again, note the use of the vague word “reasonable.” These provisions leave many loopholes that can be easily manipulated.

While Congress technically has power over the District’s budget, they have rarely used this power to reject or amend tax provisions. It is important that Congress use this plenary authority to show their disapproval of this act. D.C. needs true tax simplification – not tax increases – and the new Internet tax does not achieve this.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

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