Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Voting: The 'God' That Failed! by Gary D. Barnett

Voting: The 'God' That Failed! by Gary D. Barnett:

"I am constantly amazed by my fellow citizen’s reverence for voting. This blind worship for this worthless endeavor is troubling to say the very least, but nonetheless firmly entrenched in the minds of the masses.

Almost from birth in this country, we are taught that voting is a 'sacred' right, a right so important as to be one of, if not the greatest right. I must not have been indoctrinated properly by the government school system, as I consider the most sacred rights as those natural rights to life, liberty, and property, certainly not casting a ballot for one or another criminal in politics.

I consider voting today only as an avenue that allows one group to legally plunder another, and a process that fully legitimizes a corrupt political system. Those who vote are obviously supportive of the political process and the political actions taken in this country, and are responsible for those they elect, and for what they do in office. This is why I think the old adage that 'those who do not vote have no right to complain' is backward.

Those who vote to allow the political carnage are the ones responsible for the problems, while those who don’t vote have nothing to do with electing criminal politicians. Therefore not voting is in and of itself a political statement denouncing the system, while voting shows favor of that same nefarious system."

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