Sunday, June 05, 2011

Constitution Worship Revisited: I’m Still Fed Up! by Gary D. Barnett

Constitution Worship Revisited:

I’m Still Fed Up! by Gary D. Barnett:

"My intent here is not to claim that our original constitution, The Articles of Confederation, were a perfect set of rules, or that any set of rules established by simple men could be perfect.

My intent is to expose the lie that is our current constitution. If we as a people could see the truth of why our original constitution was completely scrapped in favor of our current one, maybe a more widespread anger would arise.

Once it is accepted that the Hamiltonians in 1787 staged a coup to destroy states rights in favor of federal power, and to destroy individual liberty in favor of nationalism, then maybe more will begin to question their false idolization of the constitution.

One could only hope for such an awakening."

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