Sunday, June 05, 2011

Am I the only one thinking this? Hillary?

Am I the only one thinking this? Hillary?:

"I may be a little way out there, but I've seen Rush predict crazier things and they came true. Here is my crazy scenario, and please, comment on it...let me hear what you think.

Romney continues cris-crossing the US. Palin continues the tour, and declares on July 4th or a day before or a day after so as to not send conflicting messages. Obama's ratings keep dropping with the USD, commodities rise more, golf rounds continue...and Boehner continues his stupidity like volunteering to play golf with the pretender in chief.

About the end of August, our RNC still hasn't come to its senses and it is clear RNC won't pick Palin, and, her statements to the press make it increasingly clear she'll be a third part.

Then, it becomes clear Hillary wants the reigns and quits, and, declares a third party candidacy as an alternative to One.

I predict we'll end up with 4 parties, 4 candidates. Crazy?"

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