Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Obama’s Red Carpet ‘Path to Citizenship’

Obama’s Red Carpet ‘Path to Citizenship’

Conclub ^ | 05-11-11 | The Rat

Posted on Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:06:21 AM by TheConservativeCitizen


In a trip to El Paso, TX yesterday to patronize Hispanics, Barack the Uniter was in rare form; his wistful reference to “unity” in his I-Me-My bin Laden speech nothing more than forgotten words read from a teleprompter. Yep, Barack “Punish Your Enemies” Obama stepped up to the plate and mocked those who call for tougher laws to protect America’s borders.

Standing at the U.S. – Mexico border, Obama ridiculed Republicans for taking a tough stance on border security: “Maybe they’ll need a moat,” he said derisively to laughter from the crowd. “Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat.” A “nonpartisan” attempt at unity the likes of which has never been seen.

Are you surprised by this? You shouldn’t be. Here’s a helpful tip to keep in mind when attempting to determine which side of Obama’s mouth speaks the truth: Listen to what he says when he’s talking to the special interest groups he’ll need for reelection. Whether he’s telling union workers he’ll lace up his comfortable shoes and walk picket lines, chastising Israel in speeches to Muslims, or mocking Republicans on the Mexican border, this is who Barack Obama is. Never forget it. 

I’ve previously written about liberals’ (successful) ability to frame debates by repeating political lies slogans over and over until they become part of the lexicon; “Bush tax cuts for the rich” being as good of an example as any. “Comprehensive immigration reform,” “earned legalization,” and “path to citizenship,” are disingenuous at best, but they sure play well with Hispanics. Obama knows it, we know it, and Obama knows we know it – he just doesn’t care; it’s not us he’s patronizing.

“We need Washington to know that there is a movement for reform gathering strength from coast to coast. That‘s how we’ll get this done.”

Um, Washington already knows it, as do the American people. What our disingenuous president failed to tell his audience, was that an overwhelming percentage of Americans favor tougher immigration laws, vs. Obama’s “path to citizenship.” Of course, Obama knows that as well, but again, let’s not forget who he’s pandering to – and why he’s doing it.

Saying, “They’ll never be satisfied,” the president was in rare, partisan form:

“We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement, but even though we’ve answered these concerns, I gotta say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time.” The goal post mover of goal post movers has quite a pair of cajones, huh?

“The question is whether those (Republicans) in Congress who previously walked away in the name of enforcement are now ready to come back to the table and finish the work we’ve started.”

Obama said he would lead a “constructive and civil debate” on the issue. Seriously?


You gotta give the guy credit for his ability to keep a straight face.

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