Saturday, May 21, 2011

How long will we allow the lies & destruction to continue before we take a stand?

How long will we allow the lies & destruction to continue before we take a stand?:

"This question makes perfect sense if you believe Obama is HELL BENT on the fiscal, military & social destruction of “Great Satan” and “Little Satan” Fact: Obama and his Father both consider(ed) themselves fervent “anti-colonialists” (read Dreams from My Father). Obama’s father viscerally despised Great Britain, Israel and the United States.

Obama’s “economic”, “fiscal” and foreign policies seem to make absolutely NO SENSE WHATSOEVER to the average person, unless viewed through the lens of his campaign promise of “wealth redistribution” (remember Joe the Plumber?) Virtually every single word or promise uttered from Obama’s mouth is verifiably FALSE, designed to mislead and/or spoken simply because “it’s what he thinks people want to hear.” Watch his actions. Ignore his words.

After being jammed down America’s throat by the “main stream media”, out of relative total obscurity and “selected” as President, with no accomplishments or experience, Obama has failed to deliver on almost every single campaign promise. His agenda is not what he promised.

So, what is his actual agenda?"

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