Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite: "During an interview with a Denver radio station this morning, author Jerome Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.

“I’m going to be telling the entire world about this scandal over the next few weeks,” Corsi said in a separate interview. “This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.”

As the video below explains, another aspect of the birth certificate pointing to forgery is the fact that the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of ‘kerning’ – where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect – this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960′s typewriters."

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