Monday, April 18, 2011

The State Does Not 'Support Its Troops' by Andrew Mason

The State Does Not 'Support Its Troops'

by Andrew Mason
The state has little care for veterans. The notion of an uncaring state has shown itself over the course of America’s one-hundred years of imperial conquest. This can especially be observed when their contract with the state is no longer valid. Of course, some will argue that the benefits the government gives to veterans (G.I Bill and disability benefits) claim otherwise. However, these so-called benefits create a culture of dependency where the veteran is made a slave to the state like many other Americans who need the government to survive and not thrive. Furthermore, veterans have and will be financially and physically violated by the state in the long run. I am not going to talk about the fact of being sent to unjust wars, or the hundreds of thousands that have been murdered or maimed. What needs to be brought to light are the more subtle costs of war that do not get as much public attention. If you are a veteran reading I beg you to read carefully.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is quite animate in leaving you and your family in misery. The agency that is supposed to look out for your best interests and help care for you, Department of Veterans Affairs has failed miserably, it is after all a government agency, and has dealt a great has even made a deal with Prudential Financial Inc which was withholding the death benefits from your family when you are deceased. Prudential would then use this money for their investment pleasures. We have only just begun....


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