Monday, April 04, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress will plead temporary insanity...

Obama's ineligibility: Congress will plead temporary insanity

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 By Lawrence Sellin  Monday, April 4, 2011
Let's stop kidding ourselves. Our political elite and the main stream media (MSM) are not as stupid as they appear.
Through a combination of arrogance, fear and a lust for political power, they were complicit in or acquiesced to installing what is arguably a Constitutionally ineligible individual in the White House.

Now they are hoping that either we didn't notice or, if anyone did, they are desperately trying to change the subject. The politicians' fear is palpable, not so much for America, but for their jobs.
As rumor has it, our political and media elitists are concerned that if Barack Obama is removed from the Presidency without being voted out of office, race riots and politically-motivated violence will ensue.
The political leadership themselves should be removed from office, if for no other reason than they lack a sense of irony.
Race riots and politically-motivated violence can be mitigated by the rule of law, the very thing our political elite and the MSM helped to undermine by reinterpreting the Constitution according to their own whims.
In addition, they now insist that...........................
Hey, Check out the Reader Responses
at the  source article--they are gems in themselves!

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The 'Reader Responses; shown on many posts/articles are almost always worthwhile reading.

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