Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Meet the real 'non-birthers'

Meet the real 'non-birthers' ^

Posted on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 3:49:55 PM by tsowellfan

The term "birther" was coined by those wanting to end questions, free-and-open inquiries and rational debates over whether Barack Obama had satisfied constitutional requirements for eligibility as president.
Since there is no dictionary definition to this term, it has been used as a term of derision and dismissal. Often you will see "news stories" defining "birthers" as people who hold fast to the notion that Obama was foreign-born. Actually, most skeptics about Obama's eligibility simply want to see evidence to support the contention that he is actually a "natural born citizen," as required by the Constitution.

The historic understanding of that concept is simply this: To become president of the United States one needs to be born in the U.S. to citizen parents with no divided loyalties. Obama tells us that he was born in Hawaii to a Kenyan citizen and a mother too young to confer ordinary citizenship upon him – a status that would have made him, at best, a dual citizen at birth and, possibly, a non-U.S. citizen. Further complicating the problem, there is no proof he was actually born in Hawaii.

Read more: Meet the real 'non-birthers':

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