Sunday, April 24, 2011

Is Trump too good to be true or will he save America?

Is Trump too good to be true or will he save America?
Politicons- Politically Conservative ^ | April 24th | Louis Martini

Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:33:16 PM by conservativeforpalin

I have never been a big fan of Donald Trump, but if he can cash the check his mouth has written, I might cheer him on. He says the kind of things that many Americans already feel. Let’s send the United Nations packing along with all their hypocritical, self-righteous BS where they belong, to some third world, disease ridden country.

There would not be a UN without America’s checkbook. After all, the more we pay, the more they ridicule us.

China and all of their communist, crap laden products can go to hell. We don’t need them anymore than we need oil from the radical, Islamist regimes.

There isn’t anything America can’t produce that we need. True Americans have always believed in our country’s “exceptionalism”. We are the greatest nation in the history of the world.

Unlike, our “campaigner- in-chief” Obama, we never apologize for our greatness. Trump may have suffered from egotism and buffoonery in the past, but I haven’t heard any of the potential presidential candidates cut through the BS like he has.

Political correctness has been the most dangerous disease America has ever suffered.

A spade is a spade, the kettle is black, and the biggest racists in this country are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

America needs a leader that will stand up and tell other countries that charity begins at home. If the Arab League needs our protection from one of their despot regimes, we take US currency. Trump said it straight when he said Iraq should be giving us cheap oil.

He reminds me of the way Teddy Roosevelt handled America’s critics.

The reason America is great, is because we are.

If Trump is sincere in what he is telling us, then I say it’s about time.....

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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