Friday, April 29, 2011

Allen West "On The Hot Seat"?

Allen West "On The Hot Seat"?
The Broward New Times ^ | April 28, 2011 | Brandon K. Thorp

Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:04:41 PM by 2ndDivisionVet
Sweet mercy, bring me strong liquor in large containers, for I have just learned that Allen West is "not a kitten kind of guy."

Yes. Allen West prefers puppies. Didja hear that? Puppies.
This information comes atcha courtesy of the Sun Sentinel. No, it does not report that Allen West prefers puppies when looking for something to strangle with his bare hands, or that he enjoys biting off their horrible yapping heads when he tires of their demands for handouts. No. The Sentinel really is reporting that Allen West ... likes puppies.
And that's not all!

When Allen West planted himself in the Sentinel's so-called "Hot Seat," he was asked, not only about kitty cats and puppy dogs, but also about his preferences in motorcycles, reality shows or dramas, guesting on Fox News or NBC, Donald Trump or Sarah Palin, and cocktail parties or tea parties.

His answers: Harleys (he's got a new one with a "patriotic paint job"), dramas ("There's a lot of drama in being a politician, so that fits me rather well"), both (Fox vs. NBC depends on one's desired "level of intensity" -- occasionally NBC is "fun"), neither (given a choice between Trump and Palin, West signified his disapproval with a rude noise), and tea parties (he doesn't drink booze, and has a special fondness for Earl Grey).

And there you have it! You can watch the whole thing here. When I watched, I noticed that the Sun Sentinel newsroom hasn't changed much since I worked there as a high school student -- in fact, the spot where West is sitting looks like it might be the same desk where I once edited other teenagers' stories as part of the Sentinel's "Next Generation" program. As I recall, our journalism was not especially hard-hitting. But it was a helluvalot better than this.

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