Friday, February 03, 2012

Prison � What Do You Do When The Country Where You Live Is Literally Going Insane? � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Prison What Do You Do When The Country Where You Live Is Literally Going Insane? ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Do you ever get the feeling that the world around you is going crazy? If you live in America today and you are not in a television-induced coma, then you have probably had that feeling. It seems like almost everywhere you turn these days, there is someone that is seriously losing it. It is not just our politicians either.

In every profession and on every level of society there are lots of people that appear to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal. So what do you do when the country where you live is literally going insane?

When paranoia, fear and delusional thinking are commonplace, it is very difficult for a society to function normally. And unfortunately, some of the craziest people out there are working for the federal government. These days you literally do not know who you can count on.

If you contact someone in a position of authority, that person may help you or that person may turn out to be a raving lunatic. Once upon a time, there was a feeling that most people in America shared a set of common values, but those days are long gone.

These days, it seems like nearly everyone.....

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