Sunday, January 08, 2012



(COL SELLIN) Obama’s Ineligibility: Our Last Chance to Save America
| The Post & Email

January 8, 2012 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment

…..Obama is, however, not my main concern. It is the endemic corruption in Washington, D.C., both Republican and Democrat, which has facilitated Obama’s rise to power.

To me Obama is simply the most egregious example of that corruption and just the tip of the iceberg.
With his family by his side, Barack Obama is s...

Image via Wikipedia

I believe that Obama needs to be brought down legally before the 2012 election, which will go a long way to end corruption in Washington, D.C. because the bipartisan corruption will then be fully exposed to the American people.

In my opinion, not one of the Republican Presidential candidates will address Obama’s ineligibility or his felonies.

They will continue to ignore or bury the evidence, even after a Republican victory over Obama because there are too many senior Republicans complicit in the cover-up.

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