Sunday, January 15, 2012

America has one last chance, and it is a very slim one. Americans can elect Ron Paul President, or they can descend into tyranny. Why is Ron Paul America’s last chance? Because he is the only candidate who is not owned lock, stock, and barrel by the military-security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby… � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

America has one last chance, and it is a very slim one. Americans can elect Ron Paul President, or they can descend into tyranny. Why is Ron Paul America’s last chance? Because he is the only candidate who is not owned lock, stock, and barrel by the military-security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby… ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

America has one last chance, and it is a very slim one. Americans can elect Ron Paul President, or they can descend into tyranny. Why is Ron Paul America’s last chance? Because he is the only candidate who is not owned lock, stock, and barrel by the military-security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby…
January 15, 2012 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

America has one last chance, and it is a very slim one. Americans can elect Ron Paul President, or they can descend into tyranny....

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