Sunday, October 23, 2011

WATCH: Ron Paul Wants To Kill Costly Federal Student Loan Program (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ron Paul Wants To Kill Costly Federal Student Loan Program (VIDEO): His point is actually correct, a large part of the reason many schools way over-charg�e for tuition is that they know student will be lent them money and the students will often spend 50-60K a year “(or more) on tuition as opposed to finding the best deal for their money because the figure “i can just borrow it” not taking into account the crippling effects of being in your mid-twenti�es with 300K or so in debt. getting of the student loan program (for but the truly neediest cases,, and even then limiting it to no more than 15K a year) would force the schools that are over-charg�ing to ennact more competitiv�e pricing structure which would be both good for the taxpayers and the students.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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