Sunday, September 04, 2011

Letters of Marque and Reprisal by Fred E. Foldvary, Senior Editor � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Letters of Marque and Reprisal by Fred E. Foldvary, Senior Editor � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

One alternative to U.S. military action against terrorists who have attacked the U.S. and other countries, and are threatening further attacks, is to enact Letters of Marque and Reprisal. Article I, Section 8, paragraph 11 of the U.S. Constitution authorizes Congress to “grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.”

A “reprisal” means an action taken in return for some injury. A reprisal could be a seizing of property or guilty persons in retaliation for an attack and injury. It could include forced used against the perpetrators for the redress of grievances. A reprisal could even involve killing a terrorist who is threatening further harm and cannot be captured.

“Marque” is related to “marching” and means crossing or marching across a border in order to do a reprisal. So a Letter of Marque and Reprisal would authorize a private person, not in the U.S. armed forces, to conduct reprisal operations outside the borders of the U.S.A.

Such Letters are grantable not just by the U.S. Constitution, but also by international law, which is why.....................


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