Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dave Daubenmire -- Breathing Some Life Into the Tea Party

Dave Daubenmire -- Breathing Some Life Into the Tea Party:

I jokingly tell folks that I was in the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party. Ever since I was sued by the ACLU for praying with our football players in 1997 I have been trying to warn America that our liberties were under attack.

I salute the efforts of the “regular Moms and Pops” who have given life to the citizen activism. Lord knows where America would be without them. If we could get the “men of the cloth” to get actively involved in opposing the sinful, tyrannical government spitting in the eye of the God the pastors claim to serve we would have a chance to restore a “form of Godliness” to this nation.

But my approach to the Tea Party is different. Although I believe in the Constitution and understand that we no longer follow it, and that we are rapidly being ruled by a tyrannical cabal of legislators, judges, and lawyers, the answer to America’s problems is not adherence to the Constitution.

The US Constitution is not a stand alone document, but rather, connected to the mission statement signed in 1776 entitled The Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration, our Founders stated that we are “endowed by our Creator” thereby linking our rights to the Christian God of the Bible..................

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