Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who's Really Downgrading America? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Who's Really Downgrading America? by Patrick J. Buchanan:

"To see how absurd it is to blame Tea Party Republicans for the downgrading of America's debt, imagine this scenario: Rep. Ron Paul is speaker of the House, Sen. Rand Paul is majority leader, and Rep. Paul Ryan is president of the United States.

Does anyone doubt this trio would restore the U.S credit rating in a New York minute? Every sacred cow in the federal pasture, from food stamps to foreign aid, would be hanging in the meat locker.

The American people have come to like the president, but a majority is coming to believe he is simply not the decisive president we need to lead us out of the morass in which he found the country and from which he has failed to extricate us.

'He made it worse!' is shaping up as the GOP slogan for 2012.

If Obama wishes to restore the AAA rating of his country, he might consider two separate and bold steps, both consistent with his professed beliefs.

First, tell the Republicans that if they will not agree to revenue enhancement, he will nonetheless do his duty and pare back spending in the entitlement programs. He would get instant GOP support."

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