Friday, August 05, 2011

The US must have a State Run Media: for the Greater Good � Coach is Right

The US must have a State Run Media:

for the Greater Good � Coach is Right:

"Lee Bollinger is an attorney turned academic. Past president of the University of Michigan, Bollinger now holds that position at Columbia University, home of the famed Columbia School of Journalism.

Bollinger believes that coming J school graduates will provide a more valuable service if the American media becomes the de facto property of the federal government.

“…I propose…an American World Service…”, writes Bollinger. “A media institution with sufficient funding to bring the highest quality American journalism to the global forum.” And that “sufficient funding” will be provided by the federal government. From taxpayers.

Why is government funding necessary? Because “…the proliferation of communications outlets has fractured the base of advertising and readers.” And as a result, “newsrooms have shrunk and foreign bureaus have been decimated,” says Bollinger.".................................

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