Saturday, August 06, 2011

Seduced and Abandoned

Seduced and Abandoned:

"By Michael Oberndorf, RPA Friday, August 5, 2011

We are all pretty much aware that many of our elected representatives are not heavily endowed with functioning brain cells, especially the ones called Senators. However, stupidity alone is not enough to explain the unmitigated betrayal of America, her constitution, her people, and her future that the vote for the Budget Control Act of 2011 represents. These clowns have been around long enough to know exactly what they were doing.

Recent polls have shown that between 70 and 80 percent of Americans – Republicans, Independents, and Democrats – oppose raising the debt ceiling to allow more borrowing. They also oppose more government spending of this borrowed money. And they also oppose raising taxes on We, the Already Overtaxed People to get even more money to feed their spending addiction.

Knowing, as poll-driven politicians must, that Americans were adamantly against a bill that would clearly result in economic disaster, they voted for it anyway. Like crack addicts holding up a 7-11, knowing the consequences, but doing it anyway, n’est pas? Like true, mentally ill addicts, they have rationalized to themselves all sorts of lies as to why the unacceptable is acceptable, why wrong is actually right, why black is actually white, and why day is actually night, and why treason is patriotic."


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