Saturday, August 27, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Defeating the political-media complex

Obama’s ineligibility:

Prepare to defend America – Defeating the political-media complex:

The political-media complex is the operational arm of the multinational, wealthy and networked elite, who have hired Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States.

In their service, politicians have preserved the illusion of democracy for the now disenfranchised voters, and journalists, falsely proclaiming themselves as the tireless defenders of liberty, distort the news in an attempt to manipulate public opinion.

Lapham writing on the state of free enterprise:

“At their annual conventions they sometimes make brave speeches about the joys of “risk taking” and the wonders of “entrepeneurship”, but what they know and trust is the rigged price, the safe monopoly, the sure percentage. By and large, and certainly in its primary and steadier movements, the national economy depends not only on systematic price-fixing and noncompetitive bidding but also on the guarantee of government intervention. The theory of the free market works at the margins of the economy - among cabdrivers and the owners of pizza parlors who made the mistake of borrowing $20,000 instead of $20 million - but the central pillars of the American enterprise rest…firmly on the foundation stones of federal subsidy…”

Lapham, again, commenting on the main stream media:........................................

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