Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Obama’s ICE amnesty puts us in physical danger as he tells the Middle Class to “go to hell” � Coach is Right

Obama’s ICE amnesty puts us in physical danger as he tells the Middle Class to “go to hell” � Coach is Right: "Over the years Democrat presidents have betrayed America to various degrees. A feckless John Kennedy double crossed CIA efforts to overthrow Castro;Carter gave away the Panama Canal and Clinton sold the Chinese secret missile technology. Now Barack Obama may have topped these dubious “achievements” by stepping up his war on the Middle Class and threatening our very lives in his lust for power.

Not content to tax us into numbing poverty and hopelessness,Obama is throwing our borders open to bring in fraudulent new Democrat voters without regard for the fact they are bringing deadly diseases with them. The consistent evidence is that,many of these illegal aliens are carriers of virulent diseases.

Diseases sneaking in with these illegals"

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