Saturday, July 23, 2011

Obama is Determined to Destroy America ~ " propose tax increases, now euphemistically called “revenue” increases"

Neither the White House, nor the Democrats in Congress have put forth any plans, let alone any numbers, other than to propose tax increases, now euphemistically called “revenue” increases

Obama is Determined to Destroy America

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 - Alan Caruba  Friday, July 22, 2011 image
It is astonishing that Barack Obama seemingly learned nothing from the 2010 national elections in which the Republicans regained control of the House with a net total of 63 seats. For the Democrats it represented the greatest loss in the House midterm election since 1938, which occurred nearly ten years into the Great Depression.

It is the House that determines the spending and borrowing to maintain the nation, though the President traditionally sends a budget. Obama did not.

Indeed, as Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has said, Obama has never put anything on paper. Negotiating Obama’s demands have changed week to week and now day to day.
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




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