Saturday, July 09, 2011

Metaphors for a Post-Federal America by Karen Kwiatkowski ~ "the term 'clovers.'"

"I don’t know if Eric Peters invented it, but I love the term 'clovers.' It describes the anti-freedom and pro-state mentality, the nanny-state mindset, and applies to Americans of all eras who embraced progressivism and state-as-moral-agent since the late 1800s. It doesn’t sound exceptionally pejorative, at first glance. 

It’s not an ugly phrase, so it is possible one might actually speak to clovers about their cloverism, in a helpful and constructive way. Cloverism is something we can see in small and routine ways – as Peters waxes eloquently, on the highways. Yet it captures an entire battlefront in the ongoing fight for liberty in America.

It’s elegant – useful, purposeful, and valuable. To be a clover is to imply government is to be trusted, and obeyed – and yet 99% of clovers probably do not always trust, obey or believe government pronouncements. Accordingly, many clovers are libertarians in waiting, and deserve our care and attention. If a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged (safely philosophically within the"

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