Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why Even an Anarchist Should Vote for Ron�Paul by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Why Even an Anarchist Should Vote for Ron�Paul by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.:

"I know a lot of people who, rightly appalled at the immoral political system we live under, conclude that it would be morally wrong to vote, or at least that they themselves will not do so, because they would thereby be consenting to the system. This includes voting for Ron Paul.

I think this is a mistake for two reasons.

(1) If you were stuck in a prison camp, and the guards let you vote on whether you were to have gruel or prime rib for dinner, would you be “consenting to the system” to vote for prime rib, or would you simply be doing the best you could under the circumstances to improve your material condition? (I owe this argument to someone but can’t remember where I got it from. Roderick Long, maybe?)

(2) Many Americans won’t consider even listening to a point of view"

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