Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Dept. of Education breaks down Stockton man's door

Dept. of Education breaks down Stockton man's door:

"Definitely worth reading the article. A synopsis:

This guy's estranged wife was in default on her student loans. So the US Department of Education sends a SWAT team to get her. They break into the guy's house, cuff him, put him and his three kids in the back of a cop car for hours while they toss the house.

The questions raised by this include:

* You'd think they'd get their facts straight before busting the guy's door down. But in the Obama Police State, I guess the facts are only secondary.
* Sending a SWAT team for a defaulted student loan??? WTF???

So what do we hear from the ACLU on this incident? ((crickets))"

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