Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media: "Must be boring for reporters off on ‘assignments’ following up leads to bring down the enemies of politicians with easy lies and gossip.

Where are the reporters—even one—telling editors paid by the government to shove their jobs “where the sun doesn’t shine”?

Investigating reporting is left to New Zealand and Britain.

The only good news of the day is that readership is abandoning the mainstream media in droves, in favor of searching for truth on the Internet.

All of the newspapers, publishers and editors of which long lived la dolce vita from revenues in the black are now in the doldrums of the red.

Only their lavish towers remain standing over Washington and New York.

If poetic justice were real, the ivory towers of the newspaper giants would be turned over as homes for the ever increasing Obama homeless."

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