Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The American Police State Is the 'New Normal'

The American Police State Is the 'New Normal': "According to The New York Times, the FBI just raided a data center in Virginia and seized many of its servers, causing websites owned by 'tens of clients' to go offline - including those belonging to people who hadn't broken a law, and were not suspected of any crime.

It may seem silly to get upset about the police taking down websites you don't use. A certain quote may come to mind, though, as we look at other ways that the police in America abuse their power.

Tasering nonviolent people to death

A 72-year-old woman named Kathryn Winkfein got tasered not too long ago after she lost her temper at the cop who pulled her over. Her offense? Shouting at him.

Luckily, she 'learned"

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