Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake:

"Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, who staged a weeks-long public campaign questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president during March and April – and rose to the top of the pool of potential candidates for the 2012 GOP nomination then as a result – says he believes the 'birth certificate' released by the White House is forged.

His comments came yesterday in a telephone call to WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., who is appearing on wall-to-wall radio programs – between 10 and 20 per day – to respond to questions about his latest best-seller, 'Where's the Birth Certificate?

The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President.'

Trump asked Corsi about the book, its evidence and what is happening next in the effort to document whether Obama is, in fact, constitutionally qualified for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1's 'natural born citizen' requirement."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    This is simple enough for a 5th grader. Under Article 2. Section 1. paragraph 5. of our Constitution is a requirement that that man sleeping in our White House can not fulfill.
    If your daddy was a Kenyan Brit, for the office of POTUS you're never fit.
    The father was not a American Citizen. That is not disputed by anyone. Therefore he can never be considered a Natural Born American Citizen.
    Being a Kenyan Brit his father fell under the British Nationality Act of 1948 which states his children will be born British Subjects. No one born a British Subject can ever be a Natural Born American Citizen even if they were somehow also born a American Citizen by way of their mother. A dual citizen can not be a Natural Born American Citizen. Read Law of Nations by Vattel and Google (John Jay, George Washington, Natural Born). A2. S1. p5. has never been amended. Therefore it has never had it's meaning changed and means today the same exact thing it meant when our founding fathers put it in our Constitution specifically prohibiting British Subjects from ever becoming Commander in Chief. No Judge, Court, Jury, Senator, Congressman, the Senate, our House of Representatives or any other body can change our Constitution. It can be changed only by the amendment process. That amendment process has never taken place! There is no question about it, if you are not a Natural Born American Citizen you can never be POTUS. There are those that will do anything to try to discredit this truth but the truth is the truth. Do your research and prove this to yourself. Freedom in America depends on it!


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