Saturday, May 28, 2011

SWAT attorney: 71 shots in 7 seconds 'standard operation'

SWAT attorney: 71 shots in 7 seconds 'standard operation':

"What's evident on the tape, is that the officers fired very quickly. Guerena has 20 wounds on his body, most from bullets, but others could have been fragments of wood or other flying debris, officials said.

Storie says the officers were trying to protect one of their own.

The officer in the video who is carrying the shield - the first one into the house once the door was breeched - tripped and fell. The other officers then used what's known as 'suppressive' firing.

They were, as seen on the video, trying to drag the officer away from the front door.

'Officers are taught to keep firing until the threat is resolved,' Storie says."

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