Sunday, May 29, 2011

Now, Obama is 'a little bit Polish,' too

Now, Obama is 'a little bit Polish,' too: "Now, Obama is 'a little bit Polish,' too
Los Angeles Times ^ | 28 May 2010 | Christi Parsons

Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2011 7:54:43 AM by Meet the New Boss

Reporting from Warsaw, Poland — President Obama brought his genealogical odyssey full circle here on Saturday when, just days after paying homage to his ancestral roots in Ireland, he announced that he is also 'a little bit Polish.'

He says he's Polish by way of Chicago, that is, which according to local calculations is often said to be the largest city of Polonia outside Warsaw.

'If you live in Chicago and you haven't become a little bit Polish,' Obama joked, 'then something's wrong with you.'"

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