Friday, May 20, 2011

A Failure In Generalship � ~ BLOGGER.1984.GUNNY.G ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

A Failure In Generalship � ~ BLOGGER.1984.GUNNY.G ~ (BLOG & EMAIL): "Armies do not fight wars; nations fight wars. War is not a military activity conducted by soldiers, but rather a social activity that involves entire nations. Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz noted that passion, probability and policy each play their role in war. Any understanding of war that ignores one of these elements is fundamentally flawed.

The passion of the people is necessary to endure the sacrifices inherent in war. Regardless of the system of government, the people supply the blood and treasure required to prosecute war. The statesman must stir these passions to a level commensurate with the popular sacrifices required. When the ends of policy are small, the statesman can prosecute a conflict without asking the public for great sacrifice."

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