Tuesday, May 31, 2011

DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites | EUTimes.net

DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites | EUTimes.net:

"After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn’t enough.

So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to “Ban Conservative Hate Sites” that said this:

“The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer.

These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!”"

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