Monday, April 25, 2011

Obama Says It Will Take More Than One Term to Destroy the USA ~ AND NOT ONE MEMBER OF CONGRESS WILL STOP HIM?

Obama Says It Will Take More Than One Term to Destroy the USA

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by Sher Zieve, ©2011

Why is this anti-American usurper being allowed to do what he is doing to America?

(Apr. 25, 2011) — As Obama and his Leninists continue to denigrate and rule over the USA and the American people, the Republican latent-integrity “go along to get along” electees–led by chief lame-pony John Boehner–continue to protect the Usurper-and-Dictator-in-Chief.  After pretense upon pretense of shock as to how far the Obama syndicate has already taken the country into ruin, the wimpy “I sold my soul, how about you?  And how much did you charge?” crowd of faux GOP-ers continue to vote with and for the tyrant.  The bogus budget battle was the strongest clue that the GOP joined the Marxist Party in no longer being in favor of continuing the United States of America as a free and solvent country. 

That which was a big disappointment at $38.5 Billions cut in spending turned into a slap in the face when it was realized that the number had been faked and the real ‘cuts’ dropped to $14.7 in discretionary spending, and some reports are that they were barely over $300 millions. 

In other words, no one in Congress had any intention of doing any spending cuts at all.
Our gas prices are currently over $4.00/gallon nationally and there is every indication (due to Obama’s intentions) that they will be at between $5-7.00/gallon soon.  

The tyrant is, also, still trying to find loopholes in order to saddle us with electric energy prices that “will necessarily skyrocket” as he promised us they would.

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