Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Natural Birthright Citizenship: Birthright of Blood According to English Common Law

Natural Birthright Citizenship: Birthright of Blood According to English Common Law
ConstitutionallySpeaking ^ | April 6, 2011 | Linda Melin

Posted on Wednesday, April 06, 2011 5:48:35 PM by patlin

My research has finally come full circle with an absolute and irrefutable conclusion and I want to thank all the patriots whom inspired me to research "out of the box".

As I had already reported in my Congressional "Natural Born Citizen" series, in 1987 Michael Greve of the 'Reason Magazine' wrote that Prof. Lawrence Tribe is

[n]otorious for urging judges to go boldly where none have gone before…[T]ribe's pretenses are a thin cover for their effort to mobilize the Constitution for left-liberal causes

As we already know, Lawrence Tribe was Obama's law professor at Harvard whom Obama supposedly did extensive research for. What I conclude with, is research from the Harvard Law Review archives. Research that neither Tribe or Obama hoped would become public knowledge. For if this legal information cited by the US courts did become public; it would have immediately crushed Obama's eligibilty for the presidency. And that is why, when it came to testimony for S.Res. 511, "A Bill Proclaiming John Sidney McCain III a natural born citizen", Tribe was called in to give obfuscation to the exact meaning and intent of Article II qualifications for the presidency.

As I have said, the key to defining who the citizens are lies within the 14th Amendment phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" and more specifically, what "jurisdiction" does it pertain to? Therein lie the question which must be answered.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



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