Friday, February 16, 2007

Gunny G's Marines Sites & Forums -- LINKS

Gunny G's Marines GLOBE and ANCHOR Sites & Forums--The Best Damn Marines Sites On The WWW!--was originally composed mainly on topics of interest to Old Salt Marines of what was known as "THE OLD CORPS!." --Mostly those years between the wars (WW I and WW II), and The Banana Wars, Nicaragua and Haiti, The China Marines, etc. But it was also heavily into WW II and Korea, leaving all that came later to the boots to boast and brag over.Keep in mind, there has not been an official "declared" war since WW II.

Politics was avoided, but with every coming year we find what was once known simply as "politics" has now become warp and woof of everything in our daily lives. Therefore, the GunnyG webpages now includes information relating to topics political, social, politically incorrect, unusual, history (Marine Corps, and other military, and much little-known and/or little mentioned items relating to history), and so on and on.

Articles of interest are now posted daily from news sources, etc. Still, personal stories, and personal accounts of this and that are also posted. Much of the postings fall under the heading of, again, politically incorrect, thought-provoking, eye-opening, and, hopefully, interesting.

Please note, however, Gunny G's is not for ALL hands--so just take what you find useful, and pass by the rest. Hope your visit is worthwhile, and that you will pass something on to others.

The following is as good as anyplace to start, then from there you can backclick through the many, many GyG webpages.

To Gunny G's LINKS!!!!!

Take Care, and...
Semper Fidelis
D1ck Gaines
GnySgt USMC (Ret.)

This is...
Gunny G's...
Marines Sites & Forums

By R.W. "Dick" Gaines
Gny Sgt USMC (Ret.)
Semper Fidelis
GyG's G&A Sites & Forums is an informational site and not for profit. Copyrighted material provided soley for education, study, research, and discussion, etc. Full credit to source shown when available.

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The 'Reader Responses; shown on many posts/articles are almost always worthwhile reading.

Often, the comments by readers enhance the posted article greatly, and are informative and interesting.

Hopefully, all will remember to read the reader comments, and post their own as well.