Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Our future belongs to the BOLD! � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Our future belongs to the BOLD! � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

On the heels of Judi McLeod’s column discussing the potential usurpation of our constitutionally protected voting rights by rogue politicians, and after receiving several e-mails from trusted CFP friends, it is readily apparent that bold change is mandatory for us to escape the vortex of the sleazy, D. C. fraud and malfeasance that passes for ‘politics as usual.’

Many of us bemoan the insanity of what occurs daily in D. C., yet aren’t we just as guilty as those within both parties who continue to abuse and betray us?

Haven’t we allowed ourselves to be used by the ‘elitistment’ of the ‘Demolishcrats’ and the ‘Repugnicans’ for far too long? In reviewing how our Founding Fathers summoned the courage and embraced divine providence to lead a bold minority of upstarts against the most powerful army and navy of the day, maybe it is time for the here-to-for unthinkable action!

We have come to expect the vilest of chicanery of the Demolishcrats, but it is even more troubling that many within the GOP have aligned themselves with the Dems against the rest of us. Equally troubling is that even the good guys and gals within Congress have remained mute..................

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