Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Obama Not Fooling All the Blacks! (Not A Vanity .. Really)

Obama Not Fooling All the Blacks! (Not A Vanity .. Really):

You better believe that if people like Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry can be frequent guest and host on MSNBC.I.A. (GE capital) they're more than likely being paid to block for Obama. This is all part of the race-card/white-guilt campaign strategy that Obama and his minions are slowly unveiling before the run up to the brutal 2012 elections.

The House Negro -in- Chief punked Black people at that CBC gathering. While he's taking our freedoms, property, pay & benefits, all we have left is our dignity. The Shoe Shiner -in- Chief must not be allowed to get away with this. We MUST throw our full support behind Tavis Smiley, and implore CORNEL WEST to double down on his call for a primary challenge to this president, and RUN HIMSELF!

I could probably count on one hand the number of times Obama has said the words "black" or "African-American" in speeches since January 2009. I don't think he would know a real African-American if his chauffeur ran over one on the way to the golf course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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