Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Reforming Rather than Abolishing Plague: Stupid or Just Plain Venal? by Becky Akers

Reforming Rather than Abolishing Plague: Stupid or Just Plain Venal? by Becky Akers:

Deliciously, the Joint Majority is too imbecilic to realize its own implication, that Congress ought never to have foisted the barbaric TSA on us.

It obliviously argues for reinstating the process that murdered 3000 people on 9/11, the unconstitutional arrangement Congress devised 40 years ago and just as unconstitutionally replaced on November 19, 2001.

Except now it adds sexual molestation, thievery, and brutality.

Prompting the question of why we tolerate the TSA, Congress, or any rulers. Abolish government in toto before it abolishes us.

Washington, D.C. Corruption: Is Rebellion the Only Option Left? (Col Sellin) …| The Post & Email

Washington, D.C. Corruption: Is Rebellion the Only Option Left? (Col Sellin) …| The Post & Email

It seems no longer possible to seek the redress of grievances by petitioning Congress or expect its members to uphold the Constitution and champion equal treatment under the law.
The US Congress is dominated by incompetence, ambition and avarice. It has made itself a tyrant and has become a danger to the survival of the republic.
The Declaration of Independence states:
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”
Ordinary Americans are feeling disenfranchised and helpless by politicians practicing elective despotism.
By its actions, the corrupt permanent political class is leaving the American people no other option than outright rebellion to take back our government.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He receives hate mail at lawrence.sellin@gmail.com
via Washington, D.C. Corruption: Is Rebellion the Only Option Left?| The Post & Email.