Sunday, September 11, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Throw Obama under the bus � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Throw Obama under the bus � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Those are the questions that most concern the political establishment, not the economy, not the debt, not the terrorists and certainly not the Constitution and the rule of law, both of which they swore oaths to uphold.

It is all about them; their never-ending greed and their insatiable lust for power.

Up until now, the political establishment had decided to let Obama run in 2012 and get beaten by an establishment Republican, preferably a Republican-in-name-only.

The Democrats may take a hit, but most of them will survive. The Republicans can continue pretending to be an opposition party and all that nasty Obama business can be buried and forgotten without any disruption in the political status quo and the looting of the country.

Sadly for the political establishment, the American people will not let them bury all that nasty Obama business because it would also mean burying our Constitution and endorsing permanent corruption in our government...............


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