Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gunny G’s Marines History and Traditions: Question: Those Yellow Footprints At Parris Island? � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Gunny G’s Marines History and Traditions:

Question: Those Yellow Footprints At Parris Island?


Gunny G’s Marines History and Traditions:
Question: Those Yellow Footprints At Parris Island?
May 21, 2011 Gunny G

Gunny G’s Marines History and Traditions: Question: Those Yellow Footprints At Parris Island?

Gunny G’s Marines History and Traditions: Question: Those Yellow Footprints At Parris Island?: “Question: Yellow Footprints?

Curious as to just when those Yellow footprints appeared at PI–I, personally, do not recall them being there in 1952. That doesn’t mean they weren’t there at that time, just that I don’t remember them being there.

Gotta remember, there was no Internet back then constantly referring back to PI and the footrints! So I had no means by which to think that I did remember them.................


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