Saturday, August 06, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals ~ Lawrence Sellin

The tyrants in Congress will destroy our republic if we let them. We will not be timid. Let’s roll

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

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 - Lawrence Sellin  Tuesday, July 19, 2011 
imageWe must now accept the fact that the present United States Congress is hopelessly corrupt.
They are deliberately ignoring legitimate requests by the American people to address the fact that Barack Obama is an illegal President and to investigate the evidence that he has committed felonies.
I have received many emails from readers who have petitioned their members of Congress multiple times only to have their pleas completely disregarded.

Congress is behaving that way for two simple reasons.
First, many are directly complicit in violating the Constitution and perpetrating fraud on the American people and/or they are engaged in a cover-up, which now includes consciously avoiding an investigation of Obama’s alleged felonies.
Second, they are more interested in protecting their lucrative political careers than in protecting their country.

In my opinion, they are traitors and criminals, who must be removed from office and tried in a court of law. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that Obama has committed felonies. By intentionally engaging in a cover-up, Congress would be guilty of “Misprison of felony”, also a felony.........................


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