Saturday, August 06, 2011

Jim R. Schwiesow -- Stupid is as Stupid Does

Jim R. Schwiesow -- Stupid is as Stupid Does:


Truly the so-called debt crisis is not a genuine crisis, but rather a manufactured crisis coordinated by the internationalists to modify constitutional governance and hasten a migration toward total socialism and ultimately to globalism. The so-called sectarian and philosophical differences of parties hogwash that is being played out by the two political parties is a scam to cover a behind the scenes collusion to negate constitutional rule once and for all that a totalitarian socialist state might be instituted that would fit as an element of a one-world government.

Again there is no crisis - the government has more than enough income from present tax revenues to make the payments on outstanding loans and to maintain the basic functions of government, all that needs to be accomplished is that the members of both political parties put integrity above politics and cooperatively and drastically cut spending by the elimination of whole government bureaucratic agencies such as the Department of Education, the Commerce Department the Department of Labor Relations and a host of other meddling regulatory non-necessary departments and bureaus that employ the many thousands of bureaucratic idlers that complicate and make miserable the lives of the people."

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