Thursday, December 08, 2011

(Excerpt) The Revolution Will Not Be American | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

(Excerpt) The Revolution Will Not Be American | Strike-The-Root:

A Journal Of Liberty ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

The conclusion to all of this is one that even I did not want to think of until recently. But the Revolution will not be American. Not anymore. We have learned our lessons well.

Modern Americans are riddled with apathy. If you want to know how far it can go, think of the worst atrocities the Nazis committed and realize there were no crowds storming the gates of Auschwitz . Foreign, invading soldiers opened those gates. And so shall it be with us.

We can’t wake the sleeping giant. But someone, somewhere, can club it in the head. When the Empire is too big, too aggressive, too starved and internally paralyzed (vibrantly demonstrated by Katrina, thank you, Ma’am, for that performance), and it finally oversteps one border too many, China , India , and Europe will implement, shall we say, ‘corrective procedures.’

And if we’re ready, if we’ve planted our seeds and cultivated our memes strongly and deeply into the somnambulistic consciousness, the giant might just stumble a few bloody paces in the direction of liberty before slumping over the TV tray…..


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