Saturday, October 01, 2011

WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in the United States? ~ "Posing as a venerable American hero, “leading” American troops through two wars in service to his nation, Petraeus’ ties are in fact to Wall Street and London corporate financier oligarchs"

Posing as a venerable American hero, “leading” American troops through two wars in service to his nation, Petraeus’ ties are in fact to Wall Street and London corporate financier oligarchs. His membership [3] in the corporate-financier Council on Foreign Relations [4] is perhaps the most significant conflict of interest in America’s political landscape.

He has been both commander of America’s troops and now director of the CIA, all while privately associating with the unelected policy makers of the CFR; an organization that represents the collective interests of the largest banks, private institutions, and corporations on earth. Whether Petraeus is guilty or not of improprieties amidst this enormous conflict of interest is irrelevant.

The fact that he hasn’t shown the proper judgment to rectify such a conflict by either resigning, or ending his CFR associations, should be alarming to all Americans.

To add further fears regarding the ambitions and agenda of Petraeus, one must examine those that are gravitating around him and indeed prodding him along.

In 2010, Petraeus gave a speech..........

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