Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is America Hopelessly Self-Absorbed?| The Post & Email

Is America Hopelessly Self-Absorbed?| The Post & Email:


by Ron Ewart, �2011

(Sep. 18, 2011) — Summer is essentially over and the barbeques, beer and block parties are winding down, as people get back in the groove for school and prepare themselves mentally for the eventual cooling of fall and the bitterness of a harsh winter.

The informality of the warmer weather falls away and is replaced with pressed suits, starched shirts, conservative ties, high heels and business dresses. A self-absorbed America is humming along as it usually does, somewhat oblivious to the man-made hurricane that is hovering just over the horizon and threatening to come ashore.

Meanwhile, the poor put on warmer clothes to head for the welfare office where Obama’s stash is sitting there in vaults to be doled out to those who have lost their personal pride, self-reliance and claim no responsibility for their actions or consider themselves victims of discrimination or some societal-inflicted injustice of one kind or another..............

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